Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sensible Shoes

  Tuesday was a big day for the East Coast Sister - my twenty-first birthday, and the first day of my summer internship!  I'll be working at a down-town firm, full of fairly young, hopefully-stylish co-workers and fellow interns, but no one wants to have a fashion mishap on their first day.  First impressions can never be redone.  In particular, I want to make sure that I have the right shoes.  They need to be reasonably comfortable (in case of running errands downtown), with a low heel and a soft point.  Monday, I found the perfect shoes from Via Spiga, and I built my first day outfit around them.  It's a little plain, but conservative.  I tried to throw in a little color with the blouse.
What a beautiful expression...  The shirt and skirt are from J. Crew, but both are a little old.

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