Monday, August 8, 2011

Quick, Quick Post

  Hi there!  I've been slacking off on my blog for a few days, but only because I have company and I'm sharing my local knowledge in real life!  At any rate, I just had to interrupt my hiatus in order to share a gem with you all -

   Libravox takes its name from Latin: "liber", meaning book, and "vox", meaning voice.  Libravox records out-of-copyright literature as audiobooks, and distributes it via iTunes as a podcast.  Last spring, when I took a class on Jane Austen, I used Libravox to download several of her books.  I was able to multitask so well!  I listened at the gym, in the car, while I was cooking... all of the time!  And of course now that it's summer, I downloaded my all-time favorite book:

I think we're all a little nerdy deep down inside.

   The Libravox website pairs users with audiobooks, but I prefer to search on iTunes instead.  So for those who don't like to sit down with a book (not me) or the very busy (definitely me), enjoy!  Exercise your ability to be a bookworm without turning a page!

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