Monday, August 15, 2011

"The less your eyes move, the less you move": a balancing act

Click the photo for the source
   This summer, I decided to switch up my exercising habits and try yoga.  I did it for the physical benefits, not for any mental or emotional reason.  Nonetheless, yoga instructors tend to make points that resonate with me, even without meaning to.
   Yesterday, during a yoga class, we were doing some balancing poses.  The instructor told us to watch one, specific spot on the floor.  The less your eyes move, she told us, the less you will move.  I realized that this applies to a lot more than just yoga.  If you fix your eyes on one goal and don't lose your focus, your pursuit of that goal will be a lot straighter and less side-tracked.  Accomplishing that goal may have many components - my goal of living my senior year to the fullest is one that I'll focus on for academics, social life, and the job/grad school search - but if I stay focused on it, I'll be a lot more likely to succeed!  So whatever goals you have before you, don't loose focus!  The less your eyes move, the less you will move!

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