Sunday, September 16, 2012

A few fashion faves

   I've never been one to pour over fashion magazines religiously, and my own style only changes a little from year to year. And on an intern's salary, there's really not a lot of room to have much fun with your wardrobe - on a budget, it's best to freshen up the classic pieces you already have with updated accessories. Looking forward to fall, here are a few accessories that will be on my radar:

Compass ring, Etsy, $75
Cluster stud earring, Piperlime, $20
Brick stud earring, Trina Turk, $50
Peyton watch, Michael Kors, $225
Runway watch, Michael Kors, $250
   The watches (and really, the ring too) are more on my wish list than my radar, but a girl can dream! I'm a huge fan of gold and tortoise shell together. What's on your fall radar?

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