Thursday, November 3, 2011

Finding Old School Glamour

   I can't be the only one to miss old Hollywood glamour.  Today's paparazzi, TMZ, and commentators like Perez Hilton just take all the fun and allure out of Hollywood.  Maybe I should have been born in the 1950's.  At any rate, who wouldn't want to imitate Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly rather than Lindsay Lohan or a Kardashian sister?  They had the fame without the scandal, and always maintained their dignity.  But how do you find a balance between boring and bewitching?  How do you become an Audrey, not a June Cleaver?

  I think it all comes down to drama.  Not the kind of drama that ends in screaming matches in the street or broken relationships, but definition #4:

"Highly effective", "striking" drama.  Something that catches your eye, and holds it.  Something that makes you stare, because it's beautiful and just a little risky.

Something fresh and out of the ordinary.  A happy, positive perspective on life, and absolutely no arrogance allowed.

I'm going to try to be old-Hollywood glamourous today.

Images found here, here, here, here, here, and here.

PS - I wrote this post before Lilly Pulitzer's 2011 Resort Collection came out, so I'm not copying them, but it's nice to know they agree:

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