Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Walk Through My Pinterest

  If you've read this blog before, you may have noticed the button on the side:

I'm a big fan of Pinterest.  Basically, it's like a virtual cork board - it lets you "pin" photos from webpages you like onto "boards" which you can organize however you like (I organize mine by topic).  The best part?  It does all the back-linking for you!  No need to virtually plagiarize.  It's a great way to show off your finds, and also a great way to search for lovely photos by keyword/topic/etc.  On a more sentimental note, sometimes what you need in the middle of a busy day is just a quick dose of beauty.  I like to think my boards are pretty nice, so here's a tour, and what you can expect from each, should you choose to follow any or all:

Here you'll find cool colors, high ceilings, and architechtual and decorating ideas for my future (far in the future) home.


How-to's, ideas for gifts, art inspiration


Recipes, photos of food ideas, and things that look good, but that I would never actually make.


Outfits, items, or styles to reference later.

This is my favorite!  It's a little bit of everything, from artistic photos to cute puppies to 

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