Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas To-Do List

   Finals are behind me, and I am officially on Christmas break!  As usual, I have made a to-do list for this wonderful occasion.  So I thought I'd share it with you.
  1. Read for pleasure!  Water For Elephants and maybe the Hunger Games series?
  2. Sleep.  Enough said.
  3. Run (with my dog) more often.
  4. Finish the sweater I am knitting (yes, I might as well start getting cats now, because that's where I am headed).
  5. Cut my caffeine intake - not entirely, though.
  6. Get a haircut.
  7. Catch up with home friends and family.
  8. Send out a billion cover letters and resumes (three cheers for the job search).
  9. Catch up on Glee (my guilty pleasure, which I haven't seen since last spring).
  10. Blog more often.

What's on your vacation to-do list?

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