Saturday, December 17, 2011

Headed Home

   By the time this post goes up, I will already be home, and well on my way out again.  I have an eventful holiday coming up, but it's all fun stuff, so it's all good.  Still, as I'm writing this, I am about 5 hours away from waking up for my ride to the airport at the crack of dawn, and so obviously this makes a great time to share my traveling tips.  Since I go to school about halfway across the country from my home (over 1,000 miles!), I only drive home for the summer: I fly for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring break.  In fact, until last year (when I brought my car to school), I flew for every holiday.  Suffice to say, I have flown a lot in the last three and a half years.
   When I fly, I always make sure to have a few things with me, in my carry-on bags (I love that you can take two bags - it gives me room for all the odds and ends I forgot to pack in my suitcase).
  1. Laptop computer and charger - because suitcases get roughed up, and I need my laptop to stay safe.  Also, it's great for watching movies.  Which brings me to...
  2. Movie - I like to rent one from iTunes, so that it will be new and interesting.  This trip, it's Evening.
  3. A book for pleasure - unless I have urgent homework, in which case I do homework instead.
  4. A jacket - because planes tend to be cool.
  5. Hand sanitizer and gum - to keep clean and fresh.
  6. A water bottle, lip balm, and lotion - to stay hydrated, because airplane air is very dry.
  7. Headphones - for the movie.
  8. A notebook and pen - in case inspiration strikes.
Did I miss anything?

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