My last post gave you a few of my strategies for a (relatively) good final exams period. But after all of that studying, you eventually have to take your test. Here's what I do on the morning of the exam to get myself through in good shape.
- Wake up at least an hour before your exam (this is a tip from my SAT prep teacher - applicable to any test, really!). You want to make sure your blood is pumping and you're fully awake!
- Eat breakfast. I don't put much weight in "brain foods", but eating a healthy breakfast before a test cannot hurt. I usually eat apple slices and peanut butter or a cup of oatmeal. I recommend something with fiber and protein, so that you will stay full.
- That being said, bring food and drink for your test. Always, always bring a water bottle (exams are long, and thirst is distracting). If your professor or teacher lets you, consider bringing a quiet snack, so that you don't distract people if you get the munchies. I recommend a soft granola bar (such as a NutriGrain bar) or dried fruit (like raisins).
- Pick your clothes carefully. Anything too casual, for instance, makes me feel like I'm in pajamas, and I get sleepy. However, business formal attire is not comfortable and therefore distracting. I usually go with jeans or chinos and a button-down shirt.
- Same goes for shoes - don't wear anything distracting, but don't wear your slippers. I always wear ballet flats, because riding boots distract me when I cross my legs, and sandals (in the spring) sometimes leave my toes cold.
- Wear or bring a watch so that you can set a pace for your exam, then keep it. Don't actually wear the watch unless you find it comfortable.
- Don't wear any strong perfume - it may distract you or your classmates.
- Sit in your usual seat, if possible. You never know what kind of memories familiarity might jog - it might just help you remember the answer to that one question you forgot!
- Take a break - most professors (unless they're just really cruel) will let you take a bathroom break. Do it. Stretch, sigh, and give yourself a pep talk.
- Breathe! When people are nervous, they tend to take shallow breaths. This feeds into feelings of stress, in my experience, and stress helps no one. You have prepared for this; you can do it!
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