This summer, I have thrown myself into PR! I'm reading blogs, working on it at two internships, working on it for campus organizations, and dreaming about doing
even more PR! in my spare time. Good public relations is important because you
cannot buy a good reputation. And if you ever really thought about it, you know that your web presence can make or break your reputation. For my millennial generation (and, increasingly, companies) web presence = social media. Yep, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, and the rest of them really can have an impact on real life (just ask Anthony Weiner!). Unflattering, unprofessional social media can leave you unemployed, which nobody wants.
The number one rule of social media I've picked up on this summer?
At a PR firm, don't bash your clients' poster boy. In a campus organization, don't tell anyone how you wish you could do such-and-such with XYZ group instead of ABC group. Personally, never, ever, EVER take a disagreement online. Be above all that. Stay neutral, keep your cards close to the vest. You'll look professional, and you'll leave doors open for yourself by not creating enemies. I think that's worth the small effort it takes to clean up your act online.