Saturday, July 30, 2011

More music for you - Matt Nathanson

    Feel like smiling?  Good, me too.  Matt Nathanson is good mood music!  Never heard of Matt Nathanson?  Let me introduce you -

Bright and happy - the title track from his June 2011 album, "Modern Love".  Try not to smile or sing along, I dare you!

"Faster", the first single from "Modern Love".  I'm not sure about the mustache or Matt's attempts at dancing, but it sure is a fun song!

"Bottom of the Sea" - the last track on "Modern Love".  I love the bridge and the chorus: "I'm tired of getting even / Let's get odd, odd baby"

    Here's why I love Matt Nathanson's music: no sophomore slump, for a start.  He's been releasing music since 1993, and has definitely found a groove that works for him.  Solid lyrics, fun folk-rock music that's not over-produced, an artist who actually turned down the big-label scene to do his own thing... what a breath of fresh air!  Since his first big album, "Beneath These Fireworks", I really think Matt Nathanson has only gotten better.  Practice makes perfect, I guess!

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