Monday, July 25, 2011

Less is More!

I have a rule for make-up: less is more.

Some stars agree!

     Part of it is philosophical: I think that nothing is more beautiful than the best face you're born with.  There is a condition to that, though - I have no qualms about covering up any blemishes, dark under-eyes, or redness that come up from day to day.  But bright lipstick?  (Lipstick at all? No thank you.)  Lots of shiny eyeshadow?  Glitter?  Lash extensions  No thank you.  And during the summer, you really don't want any more on your face than you must have.

For me, natural is best.  I think it works pretty well, if I do say so myself.

   Instead of applying layer and layer of make-up, here's what I suggest: keep it simple.  When in doubt, keep it to three products (this goes for a lot of things, actually).  I use concealer, a mineral powder "foundation", and mascara (and grey eyeliner if I'm feeling really fancy).  If you have perfect skin, maybe try mascara, blush, and lip gloss.  What I love about using just three products is that it makes you look polished without looking over-done.  You look fresh, clean, and young (and it's cost-effective!).  Play around, and figure out what three products work for you!  

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