Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Coffee: A Love Letter

Daily Grind
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    Oh, coffee.  How I love you.  You're always there for me - late night, early morning, studying or pleasure reading, or watching something.  You've been with me on first dates and late nights with my steady boyfriend.  You're at home (at that means Austin and Williamsburg) and anywhere else I'd like to be (except summer camp...).  I share my love of you with my father and, sometimes, my sister.  Whether I'm enjoying a plain, ol' Trader Joe's variety (the faithful stand by) or a fancier flavor at the on-campus coffee house (whoever invented the chocolate raspberry flavor, you're amazing!), you always satisfy me.  Thank you for helping me be less grouchy in the mornings.  Although I'm trying to scale my enjoyment of you to one cup in the morning, don't worry, coffee - this relationship ain't goin' anywhere.  I'm in this for the long haul.


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