Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer Reading Reviews, Round 1

   I'm two books into my summer reading!  First, French Women Don't Get Fat, by Mireille Giuliano.
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   This is such a simple read!  It goes quickly - the author breaks her words of wisdom up into manageable portions, and it is full of tasty recipes!  I would absolutely recommend this book to someone who has weight to lose or who just wants to get healthier.  Mireille Giuliano speaks to you like a friend, gently prodding her readers away from bad habits (over-indulging, fake food, multi-tasking while eating, and more) and towards good ones (farmers markets, good portion sizes, fresh, authentic food, and savoring your indulgences).  Mireille Giuliano says that she doesn't prescribe a diet: she prescribes a lifestyle change.  And it makes sense!  I'll definitely be taking some French tips back to school in the fall - look for me at the local farmer's market!
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    Oh, Peter Mayle.  Toujours Provence is as good as its predecessor.  It doesn't have much of a plot - the only theme holding the stories together is Mayle's life after adjusting to Provence - but it will have you laughing out loud.  Short little anecdotes of life in Provence are inspiring me... to what, I don't know.  Since I lack the money to up and move to Provence (if only!) I'll content myself with dreaming about something a little more accessible - something on this side of the pond, for now (heck, at this point in my life, I just want a house sometime in the next 10 years!).  But hey, a girl can dream, right?  And thanks to Peter Mayle, I'll be dreaming of quaint cafes, sunny picnics, hot summer days, and French cuisine!
     Next up - Summer Rental!
    What are you reading this summer?

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