Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How To Clean Your Room In Three Minutes Or Less

   Ever had company drop by with five minutes notice, when your room looks like a pig sty?  Don't panic; just take this is advice from Mrs. M., one of my "other" moms.  In three steps, your room will look loads better, and you might even have a chance to tidy yourself up before your guests come over, as well!

  1. Pick all of your mess up off of the floor.  Whether you put it in a box or stuff it in the closet, get it out of plain sight.  
  2. Close all closet doors and dresser or desk drawers.  That way you can't see the mess inside!
  3. Make your bed.  If you don't have time to make the bed, just pull up the comforter and arrange the pillows nicely.  And then you're done!
These steps have always worked for me (they've even been used to convince my mom that I have, in fact, cleaned my room).  I hope they can help you some time!

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