Monday, June 6, 2011

Things I'm Thankful For: Other Moms

   I've told you about a few of the reasons my mom is great.  She's taught me fantastic habits like reading the book before the movie and only buying clothes I know I'll wear a ton.  And while my mom is amazing, I also love my "other" moms.  They're all her friends, usually with kids about me and West Coast Sister's ages (some of them are even our friends), and I know that they'd be there for me, whenever I needed them, no matter what.  They've guided me through high school, college applications, sorority rush, boy problems, girl problems, and more; they've given me recipes, housekeeping tips, and solid life advice.  The only way I can describe their influence in my life is to call them all my godmothers to friends at the Colonial Campus.
So, Mrs. M., Mrs. Go., Mrs. Gr., Mrs. S., Mrs. Te., Mrs. Ta., Mrs. Z., and Mrs. B., thank you for being amazing role models.

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