Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer Reading Revisited

   I had a little change of plans with my summer reading.  I'm still going to read all of the books I listed, but with a couple more, too, to balance out the heavy with more lighthearted reading.  My two additions are:

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French Women Don't Get Fat, by Mireille Giuliano, used from $2.43 on
   I realized, when I got home this summer, that I could do a lot more in the way of eating healthily.  At school, I eat a lot of carbs and protein, but not as many fruits and vegetables as I should.  So far, the book focuses on changing the mindset behind a lot of American eating problems: a gentle change and not so many strange and harsh rules to follow.  I think the author also wants to rehabilitate the American palate a bit by urging her readers to eat fresh produce, seasonally (meaning, eat what's in season!).  So far, so good!
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Toujours Provence by Peter Mayle, used from $0.01 on
   Next on the list is this book, from the author of A Year in Provence.  Ever wanted to escape from your life and just live in the country?  British author Peter Mayle and his wife actually did.  Despite barely knowing a word of French, the two bought a house and settled down in Provence, and Mayle chronicled their hilarious adventures in four books.  I read the first years ago, and going with a little bit of a French theme this summer, I thought I'd move on to the second.

    Helpful hint: there really is no good reason to buy your books new, if there are many used copies available on  I've started selling back my textbooks on, and I can tell you that many (if not most) used books sell for a price so low that the seller actually looses money.  Buying a book that is "like new" or "very good" can save you at least half of the price of a new book, and buying from a reputable seller with positive feedback and plenty of sales means that you can bet that your book will match the condition that the seller describes.  A seller's feedback ratings determine their ability to do business on Amazon, so they have a great incentive to be honest and forthright!

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