Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Yoga Summer

    I've decided: this is my yoga summer!  I usually take a break from my usual running/elliptical machine at the rec center mix during the summer - for the last two, I worked at a summer camp in the Ozarks, and the hills were just too much (so I swam).  About two weeks ago, I hit that point where I needed to take a break and switch up my exercise routine.  Mireille Guiliano, author of French Women Don't Get Fat, says that when it comes to food, boredom is the enemy.  I think this applies to fitness, too, so I'm switching up my routine.  This summer: yoga!
    When I hit bored two weeks ago, I pulled out an old exercise DVD my mom has lying around the house that features a pretty vigorous yoga program.  This isn't just meditating - it involves a lot of lunges, balancing, stretching, and resistance training (using yourself as resistance - quite inventive!).  I've started doing the DVD before my internship twice a week, and the calming exercise combined with the super-encouraging instructor have put me in such a great state of mind!  No matter how much the firm needs me to do and how little time I have to do it, I can handle it without freaking out.  Now, my goal is to do the video twice a week, and go to a real class at my local gym on the weekends.  I've tried a yoga-pilates fusion class; next up is a Vinyasa yoga class (Vinyasa yoga emphasizes synchronizing your breathing with movement from one pose to another).  We'll see how this summer turns out!
The only drawback so far?  Callused palms! (notice the pink spots in the center, where my palm meets my wrist.  This is a day after last doing the DVD).  Still, it kinda makes me feel hard core - I worked for those calluses!

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