Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hat Etiquette

   I have a few bones to pick with my college about hats.  First: girls (and guys two, come to think of it) need to wear more baseball hats.  Second: we all need to know how to wear hats, in general.
   General rules: men can wear hats outside, and women can wear hats whenever.
   Specific rules, what you should and should not do:

These boys could definitely wear hats!

  1. Only wear a baseball hat in a casual setting.  To me, this means athletic clothes or jeans and a casual top for both genders, and for us college kids, this also means boys can wear them to tailgating and athletic events.  I'm a big fan of dressing up for games, but baseball hats are OK because games are outside.  Girls probably won't want to cover up their hair when it's cute!
  2. Baseball hat on a girl = potentially dirty hair.  It happens to all of us.
  3. Fedoras on men that aren't Frank Sinatra are not fabulous.
  4. Big floppy hats are fabulous on girls...
  5. But would you want to sit behind this?  Be considerate!

   At the end of the day, that's the cardinal rule of hats, and of all etiquette - be considerate!  Remember, manners exist to make other people comfortable.  So be on the look out for other people  who might feel awkward, and use your manners accordingly.

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