Thursday, September 15, 2011

No... Just, no.

   One of the downsides of going to a brainy school is that sometimes my fellow students are a little fashion-challenged.  A classmate of mine had an interesting day last week... here's what he wore:
   In case you were wondering, yes, that is a large gold safety pin pinned to his tie.  Instead of this monstrosity (note: never wear two patterns at once, especially two plaids right next to each other!), try this:
   What's great about this outfit: the colored shirt that doesn't scream at you, which has a slight pattern without being so distracting that your classmates can't pay attention; the shoes that are comfortable and low-maintenance, as well as quiet (no hardware to clink against the chairs); the classic chinos, the khaki pant's more comfortable and casual cousin; and the accessory that actually serves a purpose - the simple, leather, analogue watch.
   Any college guys out there - take note!

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