Friday, September 30, 2011

Sore Throat Aid

Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor; these tips have just worked for me.

   The onset of fall means the onset of colds, allergies, and sore throats.  If you, like me, are prone to sore throats, here are a few ways to fight your symptoms.
   There are three types of sore throats: plain sore, hoarse, and raw (from drainage).  You can treat each of these with at-home, natural remedies.  For a plain sore throat, eat or drink chocolate (surprising, but it works!).  For a hoarse throat, eat or drink a spoonful of honey, or stir it into your tea (although I think it is most effective plain).  For a raw throat, drink orange juice.
   For all sore throats, drink hot tea, hydrate (to help your body fight the cold), and try cough drops.  I have three favorite kinds of cough drops, ranging from gentle to intense relief:

These taste like candy!  But they only soothe your throat for as long as they last, and that soothing isn't much stronger than any other hard candy.

These also taste delicious, but their relief is a little more lasting and a little stronger.

 Woah!  These actually numb my throat.  When I have a raw and hurting throat that won't be soothed by the other brands, I use Cepacol.  You can't feel the pain if you can't feel anything - when  they say "numbing", they mean it.

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