Saturday, October 1, 2011

Weekend Gratitude

  1. Thank you to Tribe football, for pulling off a win against Villanova.  Still got a lot of work to do, boys.
  2. Thank you to all of my sisters who support me, even in silly things like beauty pageants.
  3. Thank you to God for surprising me!
  4. Thank you to the weather for starting to feel like fall!
  5. Thank you to Pumpkinville, for letting college kids onto the hay ride.
  6. Thank you to Five Forks Diner for serving breakfast until the afternoon.  Look out for a post on Five Forks soon!
  7. I'm thankful that fall break is coming up in a week!
  8. Thank you to my dad, for giving me his old iPhone 3.
  9. Thank you to Pintrest, for giving me a new way to waste time and share beautiful things.
  10. Thank you, for reading this!

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