Friday, October 21, 2011

Icon: Jackie O.

How can you not admire Jackie Kennedy?  Although the days of the Kennedy "Camelot" are behind us, Jackie still stands for grace, poise, and style (you know you're an icon when you have both a handbag and sunglasses named after you).  First ladies always reflect on the United States, and I must say, I would love to be associated with her any time.  Since the 60's are coming back in small ways (think "Mad Men"), here are a few ways to channel Jackie O:

Dresses with demure necklines, full skirts, and cut to your natural waist

Matching hat and gloves, and plenty of fabulous jewelry: pin, pearls, and earrings

Aging beautifully: an age appropriate haircut, and most importantly, grace.

Images found here, here, here, and here.

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