Monday, October 10, 2011

Classic Blue China

   As a full-on coffee addict, I see a lot of my coffee cups.  Even if it's not coffee, they're perfect for holding other things: they're great for holding breakfast, soup, a snack, etc.  At any rate, I have a lot to say about coffee cups.
   Today, I went to Target for a light fixture, and came out with a coffee cup (typical).  A lovely, wonderful coffee cup:
My new favorite coffee cup!
   This discovery reminded me how much I love blue and white china patterns!  Delicate, light patterns are timeless and sophisticated.  My Target mug may not demonstrate that perfectly, but I think the next few photos do.  Next time I'm around unique, vintage, or fine teacups and coffee mugs, I will definitely try to snatch something like this up!

Images from Pinterest.

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