Thursday, October 6, 2011

Jonathan Adler Obsession Continues

   So... I caved to the smartphone and got an iPhone (well, I got a hand-me-down iPhone, but it's still pretty cool!).  One great feature is that I can blog from it (yay!  Maybe I won't get behind, now?), but it also requires a cover.  I've been through all of my standby brands, and settled on a Jonathan Adler case, although I'm still deciding between two patterns (which means I really should get the matching coffee mug and/or umbrella, right?).  Looking through his designs just reminds me of why I like them so, so much - tons of color, bold lines, and fun fun fun!

Above images from Lifeguard Press.

Here's more of why I love Jonathan Adler - 

The man himself.
Above images from Pinterest.

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