Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What I wore Wednesday: Brought to you by Audrey Hepburn

  Today is dreary in Williamsburg.  It's drizzly and I'm tired, and I needed some life breathed back into me.  Enter Audrey Hepburn.  What's more vivacious than this?

For those of you who haven't seen Funny Face, it is a musical starring Fred Astaire and a young Audrey Hepburn.  It is an absolutely awful musical, except for one scene: the dancing scene, above, where Audrey falls in with some bohemians in Paris.  It's become rather iconic, in fact: GAP even featured the dance in an ad campaign a few years ago.

If Audrey Hepburn isn't inspiring, I don't know who is.  So, I put on my college-girl version of Audrey's outfit and set out to live it up, despite the drizzle.

Jeans: Paige
Sweater: J. Crew
Shoes: Tory Burch

Of course, I had to add a touch of color.  
Watch: Lacoste
Bangle and ring: Master Craftsman
Bracelet: handmade

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