Friday, October 28, 2011

Signature Jewelry

   I hope, dear readers, you understand the importance of accessorizing.  It makes your look individual and interesting.  That being said, sometimes it just takes too much thought to come up with a new combination of accessories every morning, so it's useful to have some good old standbys.  After all, not every day can be a special occasion, so there is a good reason to have accessories to fall back on in case of a "normal" day.
   The way I approach it, every piece should have significance.  This is what I wear:
Class ring - engraved with College cipher
Watch - a present to myself to wear for internships and work
Silver bangle - sorority jewelry

Ring - from my parents

Earrings - 5 mm pearls from my grandparents for high school graduation

Necklace - a piece that my mother, sister, and I each wear every day

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