Friday, September 23, 2011

Weekend Gratitude

   Whoops, it's been a while.  I've been slacking on my Weekly Gratitude (and slacked on my blog, a bit!), but here are 10 things I've been thankful for lately:

  1. Rain in Texas = the end of a long, long drought!
  2. Rain in Virginia = time to test out fall clothes!
  3. Friends who encourage me to try new things, and help me along the way
  4. Amazon's 1-day shipping!
  5. My parents coming in town for family weekend this afternoon!!!
  6. All 3 boys I set up with new sorority sisters for a date party - especially the ones who skipped their own activities!
  7. The sorority house, for providing free, clean washing machines
  8. Friends who don't let you get away with saying "I'm fine", when you're actually crazy stressed
  9. The Tribe, for beating New Haven last weekend (although let's kick up the intensity, boys)
  10. Family, friends, and God for all loving and sustaining me!

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