Monday, October 31, 2011

Speaking of Kate Spade...

   Yesterday I wrote about how jewelry at Kate Spade and J. Crew looks eerily similar these days.  Still, Kate Spade has tons of accessories that I adore.  Take a look:

And... Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Conspiracy Theory.

   I have a conspiracy theory.  Someone at J. Crew is copying Kate Spade, or vice-versa.  Just take a look at this season's jewelry:
J. Crew Bangle

Kate Spade Bangle

J. Crew Earrings

Kate Spade Earrings

J. Crew Earrings

Kate Spade Earrings

Does anyone agree?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dark Circle Salvation

   Dark circles: the bane of the college girl's existence.  Yesterday, I woke up with an awful case of dark circles under my eyes.  Here's how I fixed them, without going overboard on makeup:
Before :(

  1.  Wash your face and moisturize!  I recommend Bobbi Brown's eye cream, but if you're on a budget, Olay makes a good one, too (and it smells like roses!).
  2. Cover the area under your eye with concealer (I suggest Bare Minerals, so that it doesn't look cake-y).
  3. Apply foundation/powder, mascara, and any other makeup you typically wear (I use Bare Minerals and Maybelline mascara - all mascara is basically the same).  Wear two coats of mascara, to distract from your under-eyes.
  4. Add another coat of concealer, and voila!  You've hidden those dark circles.
  5. Get more sleep tonight!

After :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Signature Jewelry

   I hope, dear readers, you understand the importance of accessorizing.  It makes your look individual and interesting.  That being said, sometimes it just takes too much thought to come up with a new combination of accessories every morning, so it's useful to have some good old standbys.  After all, not every day can be a special occasion, so there is a good reason to have accessories to fall back on in case of a "normal" day.
   The way I approach it, every piece should have significance.  This is what I wear:
Class ring - engraved with College cipher
Watch - a present to myself to wear for internships and work
Silver bangle - sorority jewelry

Ring - from my parents

Earrings - 5 mm pearls from my grandparents for high school graduation

Necklace - a piece that my mother, sister, and I each wear every day

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Motivation to Make Your Bed Today

Preppy, monogrammed bed!  Found here.

   When I roll out of bed in the morning, the last thing I want to do is make my bed (I'd rather just get right back in it).  Don't do it!  Making your bed is an important way to start off the day, for at least 10 reasons:

  1. It makes your room look so much cleaner.
  2. It discourages you from climbing back in and napping, making you more productive later.
  3. It makes you feel more put-together and organized.
  4. It makes going to sleep at the end of the day that much more satisfying.
  5. It helps fresh sheet day last longer!
  6. It keeps random stuff (dirt, snacks, whatever you track in on your clothes, etc) out of your bed.
  7. It will make your mama proud.
  8. It will make your room mate happy, if you have one (and encourage him/her to make his/her bed, too!)
  9. Some say it boosts happiness...
  10. It makes you feel better about your room and your own responsibility.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday:

I am so excited for Fall! Fall means cozy clothes and boot weather. Here's how I wore both this week:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Theme For The Week: Caffine

   Senior year is turning out to be very much a "work hard, play hard" kind of year.  So as another busy week begins, I turn to my dear old friend, coffee:

Images found here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Easy (College Kid) Gourmet: Roasting

   I really think that learning to roast things was a huge development for me, culinarily.  It's a great way to cook flavorful meat, vegetables, starches, even fruit if you really want to... and it all seems fancier than just steaming or sautéing something.  All you have to do is preheat your oven (I heat it to 350F degrees), coat whatever you're roasting with a little olive oil and spices (I just use salt and pepper), and stick it in the oven for 20-30 minutes.  SO easy, it's ridiculous.  And now for a little visual inspiration:

Images found here, here, here, and here.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chan Luu Wrap Bracelets

   Chan Luu wrap bracelets are perfect for everyday wear, but they're a little pricey.  These are definitely going on my Christmas list.  But first, I'd have to narrow it down to one favorite bracelet.  Right now I like:

I'm thinking I'll go with a neutral colored one - more versatile, right?  Which ones do you like?

Images found here.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Breakfast At Tiffany's Hair

   Recently, I attended a "James Bond" themed party, and decided that a fancy up-do was in order.  Of course, Audrey Hepburn's "Breakfast At Tiffany's" up-do is a fantastic example of chic and classic, all rolled into one.  So, I looked around for a way to imitate this:

   And found this.  With plenty of hairspray and 25 bobby pins, it lasted for four hours!  You don't need long hair - mine is barely past my shoulders.  Try it for your next special occasion!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Icon: Jackie O.

How can you not admire Jackie Kennedy?  Although the days of the Kennedy "Camelot" are behind us, Jackie still stands for grace, poise, and style (you know you're an icon when you have both a handbag and sunglasses named after you).  First ladies always reflect on the United States, and I must say, I would love to be associated with her any time.  Since the 60's are coming back in small ways (think "Mad Men"), here are a few ways to channel Jackie O:

Dresses with demure necklines, full skirts, and cut to your natural waist

Matching hat and gloves, and plenty of fabulous jewelry: pin, pearls, and earrings

Aging beautifully: an age appropriate haircut, and most importantly, grace.

Images found here, here, here, and here.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What I wore Wednesday: Brought to you by Audrey Hepburn

  Today is dreary in Williamsburg.  It's drizzly and I'm tired, and I needed some life breathed back into me.  Enter Audrey Hepburn.  What's more vivacious than this?

For those of you who haven't seen Funny Face, it is a musical starring Fred Astaire and a young Audrey Hepburn.  It is an absolutely awful musical, except for one scene: the dancing scene, above, where Audrey falls in with some bohemians in Paris.  It's become rather iconic, in fact: GAP even featured the dance in an ad campaign a few years ago.

If Audrey Hepburn isn't inspiring, I don't know who is.  So, I put on my college-girl version of Audrey's outfit and set out to live it up, despite the drizzle.

Jeans: Paige
Sweater: J. Crew
Shoes: Tory Burch

Of course, I had to add a touch of color.  
Watch: Lacoste
Bangle and ring: Master Craftsman
Bracelet: handmade